It all started with a New Year's Resolution.
One night, I was sitting awake in bed. Usually, I would be asleep, but tonight, our neighbor had generously decided to leave on his porch lights, which are approximately, in a study performed by college scientists, a million bajillion units of brightness. Unexpectedly, I was unable to sleep, leaving me no option but to think. If my train of thought that night was a real train, it would be a bullet train going at 300 miles an hour, not necessarily on the tracks, possibly barreling through New York.
One night, I was sitting awake in bed. Usually, I would be asleep, but tonight, our neighbor had generously decided to leave on his porch lights, which are approximately, in a study performed by college scientists, a million bajillion units of brightness. Unexpectedly, I was unable to sleep, leaving me no option but to think. If my train of thought that night was a real train, it would be a bullet train going at 300 miles an hour, not necessarily on the tracks, possibly barreling through New York.
But as the train went, it developed. And all the scraps from the thoughts it visited slowly collected and evolved into an idea... and then it hit me. i jumped out of bed, determined not to lose this idea, grabbed a pen and paper, and and jotted it down, produced in its entirety here.
Allow me to introduce myself. As it says on the resolution, my name is Colin O'Donnell. I'm fourteen years old.
Now, you'll see me like this:
That second character is a cartoon character I made up named Zach. I'm not sure what he is. But which one you see probably depends on the context. And yes, I still have brown hair. I might return to that, I don't know.
Now, about me.
I'm an aspiring inventor, I love (almost) all things tech. I often work on several projects. As a matter of fact, I'm working on a hoverboard design right now. Only problem is, I need parts, and as soon as I mention that I'm building a hoverboard, people cease to take me seriously. Well, when I'm speeding to school on a hoverboard, I'll be the one laughing.
I'm an aspiring inventor, I love (almost) all things tech. I often work on several projects. As a matter of fact, I'm working on a hoverboard design right now. Only problem is, I need parts, and as soon as I mention that I'm building a hoverboard, people cease to take me seriously. Well, when I'm speeding to school on a hoverboard, I'll be the one laughing.
See, yeah, I think I'll stick with brown hair. Not to mention, I'm also a rather serious gamer. Ask me a question about Sonic the Hedgehog, or challenge me to beat a platformer, and I will blow your MIND. In addition, I AM a pretty huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog. I also have an iPod, which I use to play a truly impressive amount of games. For more about that, check out my Gaming Blog.
There's another thing I'd like to just put out there. I have Aspergers Syndrome. It's not a disease, it's not a hindrance, it's an equal difference that makes me unique, and I have certain skills and high mental capacities that would not have been noticed or I might not even HAVE if it weren't for it, and I like to be as open with it as possible. It has played a big role in my life, and will play a big role in this blog, but it will not dominate the content.
Because this is not a self-help book.
This is a blog.
This blog might bomb, or might not even ever get off the ground, but I resolved to do it, and WITH GOD AS MY WITNESS, that is what I am going to do.
I'd like to thank my friends and family, for their continued support with this blog, and, last but not least, I'd like to thank our neighbor, without whom none of this would be possible.
Because this is not a self-help book.
This is a blog.
This blog might bomb, or might not even ever get off the ground, but I resolved to do it, and WITH GOD AS MY WITNESS, that is what I am going to do.
I'd like to thank my friends and family, for their continued support with this blog, and, last but not least, I'd like to thank our neighbor, without whom none of this would be possible.