Hey guys!
So last Friday was the last day of my school's quarter, ushering in Spring Break! I haven't really started my spring break, but the last day was pretty interesting.
So last Friday was the last day of my school's quarter, ushering in Spring Break! I haven't really started my spring break, but the last day was pretty interesting.
All the grades had been due the day prior, so we really weren't doing anything that day.
In first period, Spanish, we read this really freaky story called I Only Came to Use the Phone by this Colombian guy we're studying, Mr. Garcia Marques. After watching Double Indemnity in second period, I was looking forward to continue watching Lilo & Stitch, which my Anthropology teacher kept coming up with excuses for watching. But then we noticed that another class was watching The Office in the computer lab, so we decided to crash their class. One by one we just snuck in there and sat down until the entire Anthropology class was there along with the class that was originally there in the first place; and then our Anthropology teacher started showing us videos of animals doing adorable things.
Then, in Calculus, our teacher took us out for Slurpees, which was awesome, and sort of surprising, as he usually isn't the give-the-kids-candy type. It was fun, my classmates got blueberry and Coca-Cola, and I got wild cherry. After we got back, the teacher taught us how to play this game called Dots.
In first period, Spanish, we read this really freaky story called I Only Came to Use the Phone by this Colombian guy we're studying, Mr. Garcia Marques. After watching Double Indemnity in second period, I was looking forward to continue watching Lilo & Stitch, which my Anthropology teacher kept coming up with excuses for watching. But then we noticed that another class was watching The Office in the computer lab, so we decided to crash their class. One by one we just snuck in there and sat down until the entire Anthropology class was there along with the class that was originally there in the first place; and then our Anthropology teacher started showing us videos of animals doing adorable things.
Then, in Calculus, our teacher took us out for Slurpees, which was awesome, and sort of surprising, as he usually isn't the give-the-kids-candy type. It was fun, my classmates got blueberry and Coca-Cola, and I got wild cherry. After we got back, the teacher taught us how to play this game called Dots.
How to play Dots
Players: 2
Materials: A sheet of grid paper, two differently colored pencils/pens
Each player will choose a distinctive writing color. The first person to go will draw a dot on the paper, at one of the corners of one of the grid squares. The other player will then draw a dot at a different place, then the first person again, etc. The object of the game is to completely surround an opponent's dot or group of dots with an enclosure of the player's own dots. In order to capture an opponent's dots, the player's dots must all connect around the opponent's dots, and must all be adjacent. You can connect dots horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, but they must be in adjacent rows/columns. In order to mark an area of captured dots, a player must draw a line through all of their capturing dots around the opponent's dots. Once a dot or group of dots is captured, the captured dots, as well as the dots used to capture them, become territory of the captor, and the capturing player is awarded as many points as captured dots. Players can not capture an opponent's dots using dots already captured by the other player. Players may, however, "one-up" the capture by encircling an area of captured dots, awarding them points from both the original capturing dots and the dots inside.
Players: 2
Materials: A sheet of grid paper, two differently colored pencils/pens
Each player will choose a distinctive writing color. The first person to go will draw a dot on the paper, at one of the corners of one of the grid squares. The other player will then draw a dot at a different place, then the first person again, etc. The object of the game is to completely surround an opponent's dot or group of dots with an enclosure of the player's own dots. In order to capture an opponent's dots, the player's dots must all connect around the opponent's dots, and must all be adjacent. You can connect dots horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, but they must be in adjacent rows/columns. In order to mark an area of captured dots, a player must draw a line through all of their capturing dots around the opponent's dots. Once a dot or group of dots is captured, the captured dots, as well as the dots used to capture them, become territory of the captor, and the capturing player is awarded as many points as captured dots. Players can not capture an opponent's dots using dots already captured by the other player. Players may, however, "one-up" the capture by encircling an area of captured dots, awarding them points from both the original capturing dots and the dots inside.
I hope that explains it well. Anyway, after that, we watched Coraline in my Animation class, and an episode of Cosmos in my Physics class.
After that, we had a ceremonial groundbreaking ceremony, as my school is getting a second story. There's going to be some construction, so for the remainder of the year my school will be moving to a church while construction happens.
After that, we had a ceremonial groundbreaking ceremony, as my school is getting a second story. There's going to be some construction, so for the remainder of the year my school will be moving to a church while construction happens.
Then today, my family drove over to Philly to celebrate Easter with the rest of the O'Donnell clan. It was a long drive there, and most of the time I just sat on the couch, where this tiny dog was continually licking my face. Later we watched Jurassic World.
The real big part of my spring break is starting tomorrow. I'm going on my school's spring break trip again! And if it's anything like last year's, it's going to be awesome. But right now, it's nearly midnight because it took so long to get home, so I should probably get to bed. See you guys next week, and Happy Easter!